December 8, 2008

Gym Class

I went to the gym today with the intention of running like a trained mouse on the treadmill in front of the Rachael Ray show. However, my plans changed as I was checking my two cute kids into the childcare. I saw that many women were going to "class" and so I decided that I would go to "class" too. Glad I did. It was a power pump/step class taught by Becky. Any class taught by Becky is a class worth taking.

So we started with plie' squats with the bar with light weights (after a thorough warm-up) and we did MANY sets. So many in fact that my legs were begging me to stop. We also did shoulders, back, biceps, triceps, chest, hams/gluets and abs.

After the pump section of the class (50 minutes or so) I walked over to the drinking fountain and as I bent over the water I passed loud gas. Not really, but wouldn't that have been embarrassing! Actually, my legs almost faltered which would have been just as bad.

I was muscularly spent. I decided to stay for the step portion and I was completely beside myself with the choreography. Everyone else was in sync, but alas, I was not. Forward when I should be backward. Kicking when everyone else was doing an Elvis move. Too much! When she announced the final routine I called it quits. I was spending too much time whirling about that I wasn't getting enough workout. I was dizzy, tired and smelly. But I will be back on Wednesday for Sports Training--thankfully basic step skills are the only requirement.


Dru said...

I'm sure you did fine. NO ONE in the world is as uncoordinated as this guy.

Bryn said...

you're getting old meliss...I know cause I'm getting older.

Lael said...

Why do they have mirrors in those rooms anyway?

Toby Palmer said...
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Devin & Shalise said...

Hey Melissa!! It is your cousin Shalise!! I found your blog through Michelle's, I hope you don't mind. It is so fun to see what you guys are up to! Congrats, for just going to the gym... I don't even get that far, and I don't even have kids!

i'm erin. said...

Wow Melissa! That sounds like a fun class. where are you taking it? Golds?

Lael said...

Woo hoooooooooo where arrrrrrre you????????