February 5, 2008

Diapers a go go!

Well, Skyler finally decided to be diaper free this past week. It was such a surprise for me - I thought he would be in diapers forever! We were getting ready to go to school when lo and behold I hear the greatest words of the year "Mommy, I have to go potty." I had to do a double take, a quick double take, and then off we went to the potty. He got to celebrate his week of toileting by popping tokens into games at Chuck E Cheese last night. He went through tokens faster than I could give them to him. Sundance was more judicious with his tokens and at the end of the evening, everyone had a great time.

Sundance started sports camp this week and he loved his first session. They learned how to dribble a soccer ball and how to kick it properly. Sundance is the tallest and most coordinated in his class, but he has always been a great athlete. The next class is basketball and then baseball. He starts swimming lessons next week too......a little oversight by me in overlapping activities - but with it being so cold outside, I think the boys will welcome the diversion. Skyler is starting swimming lessons too. Good timing for the potty training.

1 comment:

Lael said...

Hooray for kids potty training themselves! I'm determined to wait until Leo is so good and ready that we won't have a struggle. Maybe 5 years or so?