July 3, 2008

Attempted Adventure

Yesterday, my sister and I were feeling the need to be adventurous moms. We decided it would be so much fun to take all the children up to Deer Creek to play on the beach at the North shore. We loaded up blankets, towels, treats and various sand paraphernalia. Upon arrival we scouted out the best spot amidst the other beach revelers, unloaded our loot and descended upon the beach.
The water looks so nice and clear from the road. I know that each time I drive past Deer Creek I am somewhat envious of those who are frolicking in the cool, clear water. Our beach spot did not resemble this vision of cleanliness. Thankfully, the water level has gone up, however, this creates the problem of severe floaties lapping up on the beach, not to mention hidden water hazards lurking beneath.
The children were ecstatic that we were FINALLY out of the van and they hit the water at full tilt. Michelle and I were panic stricken as we saw how strongly the waves were washing upon the shore and at how quickly little bodies disappeared beneath the not so clear water. Two inches of visibility was about all our little water oasis offered that day. Needless to say, water play lasted for about five minutes and sand play ensued thereafter. We endured gale force winds and flying sand insects for about an hour and were glad to suggest that we go back HOME to play in the BACKYARD in the inflatable pool with crystal clear potable water. The kids were once again ecstatic about this proposition and were cheerful the entire way home. More cheerful perhaps because of the promise of brownies--who knows. Needless to say, we learned some valuable lessons such as more adults are indeed better at water outings and that we can still keep trying to be adventurous moms.

1 comment:

lvs2dance said...

Hey Melissa! I am so glad that you have a blog! How have you been? I don't think that I have seen you since your bridal shower!!! I hope all is well with you and your darling family!